The Eight Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make - NKC Reflection
Here's my own personal reflection on the article by J. Lee Grady, put in the form of questions. It's like a pit stop moment!
1. Never treat people like projects.
- Do I have a personal relationship with those who serve alongside me?
- Do I still ask those who already serve to do more and more without regarding their wholesome wellbeing?
- Do I know their personal struggles and are endeavouring to help them move ahead?
- Do I know the state of their family or personal relationships?
- Do I talk about other matters apart from ministry (business talk?)
- Do I have a clear and intentional plan for their discipleship progress?
2. Never try to do everything yourself.
- Do I delegate (give people task to do but do not allow them autonomy to make decisions...and mistakes) or do I empower (give them power to make decisions, allow them enough room to make mistakes or to take those areas in directions that they sense from the Lord but still in alignment with overall vision of the church)?
- Do people mostly wait for instruction from me, even in the smallest of matters?
- Am I in meetings or consultations almost everyday of your week?
- Do the leaders around me have initiative or propose innovation as a norm?
3. Never focus on your critics.
- Do I get unduly upset when I hear people questioning or critiquing what's happening in church?
- Do I stop and reflect on the truth behind the criticism?
- Do I spend inappropriate and unfruitful time trying to appease certain individuals in church?
- Can I let go of the natural feelings of "anger" and "revenge" when I hear or receive negative feedback? How long does it usually take to let it go?
- Am I comfortable about walking away after I have done all I can to be a peacemaker? Why do I say so?
4. Never make big decisions without wise counsel.
- Do I have trusted people to go to and talk over raw reflections and ideas?
- Can I my inner circle explicitly without fear that there will be betrayals or "leaks"?
- Do I meet regularly with some people for personal accountability both for my own life and ministry? Who are they?
- Do I have such people (as stated above) within my own church? Why or why not?
5. Never avoid confrontation.
- Do I usually take actions to find out from the primary source or people of influence when a problem arises?
- Do I usually overcome my initial inertia to face problems and divisive people ?
- Do I delegate dealing with problems mostly to others?
- Do I pray over problems, talking and listening to God first before doing something about it?
6. Never try to pour into others when you are empty.
- Do I have a personal time with God just to hang out with him? What is the quality and quantity of this hang-out with God?
- Do I only come to God with my personal agenda and requests?
- Do I read and reflect on the Word for my own wellbeing and wholesomeness?
- Do I hear God 's personal voice from time to time that feeds my spirit and soul, refreshing and renewing it? What was the latest matter that I heard from God? How long ago was that?
7. Never close your heart to personal ministry.
- Do I have mentors and spiritual companions whom I can open up to and share my struggles? Who are they specifically? Do I meet with them regularly or very occasionally? why?
- Do I have people who pray regularly for me? Who are they? Do I share regularly my personal requests with them? Do I ever meet with them and pray with them?
8. Never lose your spiritual passion.
- Do I feel mostly invigorated or depleted? Why?
- Does the Greatest Commandment (Mark 12:29-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 29:18-20) still excite me? How?
To be honest, after this reflection, it's almost every area needs working on! How about you?
Kee Chuan